7 mei 2009

ScreenShot Make-Over Contest!

Hii Lovely Followers!

Well, I think it's time for a contest!
Jupp, to see if this club is a live.
So.. Here it is:

Task: Make-Up your doll.!

No worries, if you are not a Superstar.
You don't have to buy it.
Make a Screenshot [Printscreen] from your medoll and upload it on tinypic.com. Put the link in a comment, with your USERNAME ON STARDOLL.

What to do:
1. Make-Up your medoll in DOT.
2. Make a screenshot [printscreen]
3. Upload on tinypic
4. Write the link and your username in a comment.

What you can win:

- SS-Gift
- Picture on the blog
- A link on the blog that goes to your suite
- Make-Over by me -.-
- Titel of the ScreenShot Winner!

That are 5 prizes? Not bad, isn't?

Go for it.! Make me proud of you , guys!

xxLove You All.!

Oh, before I forget: If you got any questions, please ask in my GB, because I can't read all the questions between all the links, and I will forget to report. So questions, GB PLEASE!
[Username: Vintje]


© Fabstardoll

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